Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I really want to like Clara.  I liked her when she was Souffle Girl.  I liked her in the Christmas special.

But, I don't like what Moffat is doing.  Say what you will about RTD, but at least he had unique ideas.  The only thing Moffat is capable of is recycling what he's already written about.  His originality ended with RTD's era.

Clara is like a conglomeration of River, Rory, and Amy.  Rose and Martha were normal people.  Donna was the first companion (in the new series) who was really special, but we didn't know why.  Since Donna, though, EVERY companion is "special" - Amy because she saves the universe (yawn), Rory because he keeps dying, and now we don't know what the deal is with Clara, but she's "impossible".  The whole damn series now revolves around the companions being extraordinary instead of the Doctor.

Amy was special.

Clara is special.  And dies over and over, like Rory.  And is located throughout time, similar to River.

And now we see her as a young girl.  Moffat's obsession with writing the Doctor alongside young girls is actually starting to freak me out a bit.  Dude, that is CREEPY as hell. Are you some kind of closet pedophile?  I'm sorry, paedophile?

Can we PLEASE just get back to galavanting around the universe meeting strange creatures?  Can we please stop having these massive story arcs?  Because Moffat gets grand ideas, but then doesn't know how to wrap them up.  He ends up writing himself into a corner where he has to reset the universe.

I'd also like to point out that it annoys me to no end that they keep calling these short videos "prequels".  At the most, they're shorts. 

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