Wednesday, May 25, 2011

S5 Episode 5: Flesh and Stone

Well, this one doesn't start out too poorly.  There's a nice bit of gravity manipulation to get the team on the ship, the Angels get in, they find an oxygen forest, and Amy is doing a bit of psychotic giggling counting down.

The Crack plays a large role in this episode, and we learn that it is undoing history.  Anyone who gets too near The Crack gets erased from time.

So Amy spends most of the episode with her eyes closed, and that's pretty great, because she's also keeping her mouth shut most of the time, too.  There's apparently an Angel trying to get out of her brain - which is a very strange idea, but there you have it.

Of course, the Doctor saves the day, but not before the entire squad of clerics dies.  The angels get sucked into The Crack and so cease to have ever existed.

Repeat Ideas:

1)  This is the first instance of the threat of a character dying.  Amy will die if the Angel inside of her gets out.

2)  The Doctor tells Amy that "It's all about you!"  This is a little too close to what happened with Donna - everything pointed to Donna, too, remember?  She was soooo important.  Well, again, all the signs point towards Amy.


1)  For the second time in two episodes, the Doctor puts his head against Amy's.  What's up with all this touchy-feely crap?  He also kisses her forehead.  It's just creepy.

2)  The Doctor loses his temper with River Song, but I don't know how much I can blame him.  She is really freaking annoying.  Which brings me to -

3)  River just keeps getting more superior by the minute, doesn't she?  The way she's going around smirking all the time, I just want to slap her.

4)  When Amy cannot see, but the forest is filling up with Angels, the Doctor tells her that she needs to "walk like [she] can see".  See, they'll think that she can see them and react out of instinct.  In the words of Grace Adler, "Whoa!"  So you're telling me that they freeze just when they think someone is watching?  I thought they had no control over this aspect of their being?  Okay, so let's pretend that the Angels "think" that Amy can see, and so become stone.  Why, then, do they not move once she's passed them?  She walks through a whole mess of Angels, and none of them move, even after she's not "looking" at them.

5)  Amy trying to rape the Doctor is really horrible.  Suddenly she's throwing herself at him, kissing him, groping, very extremely aggressive.  It's so clownish.  There's been almost no lead-up to this. Martha was classy enough to show some kind of restraint, why can't Amy?


1)  Amy in the forest is the first time in these two episodes that I've found the Angels scary.  The way that they slowly turn their heads after Amy drops the walkie talkie and thrashes about looking for it for for five minutes is so scary.

After watching this, I feel better.

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