This is - hands down - my favorite episode of Series 5. Not only is it the best episode compared to the rest of this series, I think I'd put list it as one of my top ten favorite Doctor Who episodes ever. Karen Gillan is solid, Matt Smith is solid, and Tony Curran knocks it out of the park. The Krafayis isn't even really necessary to the episode. See, I don't just blindly hate the new series!
I was a little worried that I wouldn't like it as much the second time around, but I think I love it even more. Every second had me in thrall, and I found that I not only tolerated both Amy and the Doctor, I loved them. I'm not sure what it was about this episode that made them feel so different to me - maybe it was that they felt like real people, not caricatures. Matt Smith wasn't over-the-top, and Amy wasn't googly-eyed and drooling over the Doctor, nor was she obnoxiously disrespectful towards him. The script was brilliant, the directing was inspired, and the acting was phenomenal. The fact that I'm putting the "likes" first speaks volumes.
I should note that this episode was directed by Jonny Campbell, who also directed the other episode I like, Vampires of Venice.
1) The sequence where the Doctor gets his doohickey out of the TARDIS was brilliant. While I feel like they're hitting us over the head with all the photos of the past Doctors, minus that, the entire sequence was fantastic. I loved how he was running down the alley with that contraption on, snatching glances in the mirror.
2) When Vincent is painting, the Doctor rambles on about Michelangelo and Picasso. The writing was brilliant, and Smith pulled it off without a hitch. I love how he says, "Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly, and in the right order?" It reminded me very much of Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes.
3) I really liked how Vincent was in love with Amy, and she dealt with it very well, too.
4) Speaking of Amy, I love her in this episode. Why can't she always be like this?
5) Vincent. Tony Curran's performance was amazing. He makes me want to like Van Gogh.
6) At the end, when Amy sees the painting of the sunflowers and walks towards it. I don't know what it is - the shot, the composition, the music, the lighting - it just brings me to tears (again - I cry a lot during this episode).
7) When they are looking at the night sky, it turns into The Starry Night. It could have so easily been ridiculous and cheesy, but it totally works.
1) The Doctor putting his head against Amy's AGAIN. Really, he needs to stop. It's super annoying.
2) Did the Krafayis really have to die? Why can't this Doctor seem to get rid of anything without killing it (even though he didn't kill it, Vincent did - accidentally).
And here's a little something to leave you with:
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