Friday, May 27, 2011

S5 Episode 7: Amy's Choice

The first time I saw this episode, I really liked it.  And remember, this was when I REALLY didn't like the new Who, (not that I really like it any better now, but, like a bad toothache, you learn to live with it).  This time around, I just felt like ... meh ...  I couldn't remember what happened in it, so it's not that I knew what was coming up and wasn't impressed.  Just ... meh ...

The Doctor meets Amy and Rory in their future; Amy is pregnant, Rory has a fantastically horrible pony tail, and they are living in their little village.  The three of them fall asleep, and wake up on the TARDIS.  They keep going back and forth between the TARDIS reality and the village reality, not sure which one is real.  Eventually, the Dream Lord shows up and tells them that one is reality, one is a dream world, and in each, they will have a major threat.  The only way to figure out which is reality and which is the dream is to die in the dream.

They can't decide which is reality and which is the dream world.  Rory of course thinks that the village life is real - he just wants to settle down and have lots of fat ginger children with Amy;  the Doctor thinks that the TARDIS dream is real; and Amy thinks that they both feel real.  Finally, the Dream Lord intervenes, causing the boys to fall asleep and forcing Amy to choose in which world to die.

The threat in the village reality is that all the old people have become infested with aliens that come out of their mouths and spray their victims with a poison.  The unfortunate people then are turned to dust.  In the TARDIS reality, they are dead in the water (space?) and drifting towards a cold star, and they will freeze to death.

Amy rejoins Rory and the Doctor in the village reality.  They are in the forthcoming baby's nursery, and the old folks are attacking the house.  One of them gets in through the window and sprays Rory with the poison - he consequently dies for the first time.  Amy realizes she can't live without Rory - she would rather die than live in that world without him.  She and the Doctor crash a car into her house and they all wake up in the TARDIS.

The Dream Lord congratulates them on figuring out which was the dream world and leaves.  The Doctor realizes that they're still in a dream, so he lets the TARDIS continue on to the cold star.  They all wake up in the "real" reality.  It turns out some kind of psychic pollen got into the TARDIS and caused the whole thing.  Also, the Dream Lord is the Doctor's dark side.

Well, it's funny - after writing out that synopsis, I've gone from ... meh ... to ... yeah, I don't really like this episode.

Repeat Ideas:

1)  This hasn't been repeated yet, but this is the first time that Rory dies.


1)  As the TARDIS grows colder the closer it gets to the cold star, Amy asks, "do you have any warm clothes?"  First of all, she knows there's an entire freaking wardrobe in the TARDIS, as she's used it before.  Second, she goes and gets blankets, which she makes into ponchos, from some little cupboard in the console room.  She then snubs Rory and takes a blanket to the Doctor.  The whole "do you have any warm clothes?" was a total set-up just for that one shot.

2)  Amy goes from being so happy with Rory in the last episode to treating him like garbage again.

3)  The Dream Lord is the Doctor?  Pur-lease.  I think it's a very interesting idea, that the Doctor has suppressed fears and insecurities, but Matt Smith was so blase about it.


1)  The old people.  They were brilliant, trying to get into Rory and Amy's house with a "battering ram", lawnmower, garden tools, etc.  I was laughing so hard!

2)  Yay!  The love triangle is over, and we'll never hear about it again!  ::snerk::

And here's a little River Tam to make you chuckle:

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