Tuesday, June 14, 2011

S5 Episode 13: The Big Bang

Finally, the long-awaited series finale!  Let's get on with it, shall we?

Epic Entrance:

We have another one!  Amelia is praying to Santa - again - except this time, things don't go the way that they did originally.  She gets a note, she goes to the museum, she sees the Daleks, she runs away from her aunt and opens the Pandorica, and there's Amy!  While it's fantastic to see Amelia again, I just hate these epic entrances.  Seriously, can Moffat be any more in love with himself?  This is total fan wanking, and he's his own biggest fan.


1)  I absolutely LOVE Amelia Pond.  I don't know if I stressed that enough in The Eleventh Hour.  Not only is she a brilliant character, but Caitlin Blackwood knocks it out of the park again.

2)  Rory is amazing.  Arthur Darvil does not miss a beat.  His comedic timing is unmatched.

3)  At one point, the Doctor says, "that's when everything changes".  I only "liked" this because I immediately thought, "someone's been watching too much Torchwood".


1)  I know that most people love how Moffat messes with time, but I don't like it.  I feel like he does it just to show off.  Like so many of Moffat's devices, it's great the first time, but then after the second or third time he pulls this stunt, you start noticing all the problems that this kind of thing presents.  Again, it seems like Moffat's only got so many tricks in his bag.

2)  Amy meeting Amelia should have caused a huge problem.  Or does the Doctor just not care because the universe is already screwed?

3)  It's pretty convenient that Earth is the last thing to go out, isn't it?  And that it happens to take 2000 years, just enough time to get to Amelia?  And that's not the sun, it's the TARDIS exploding?  I don't think that science works like that.  Exploding TARDIS does not = sun.

4)  OH NO!  THE FUTURE DOCTOR IS DEAD!  Let's mark this down as the first time that the Doctor "dies".

5)  The whole "unwinding" thing was really strange.  However, I did get a kick when he said, "I hate repeats", considering I have a whole section on this blog dedicated to Repeat Ideas.

6)  Amy so wants to rip off the Doctor's clothes at her wedding.  She seriously tries to kiss him again!

7)  At the end of the episode, the Doctor says, "the silence is still out there".  To me, that comes out of left field.  In the previous episode, it was very clear that the silence was tied to the whole exploding TARDIS thing.  When I heard that line, in my head I heard Moffat going, "huh, I've run out of ideas!  Maybe we can somehow drag out this whole 'silence' thing."

And here's a little something to remind me why I love Doctor Who, because I seem to need a lot of reminders these days:

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